Good progress continues at Shoreham

Mackley shoreham update Sept 2017

Work is currently taking place at seven of the 10 reaches – or sections – of the Shoreham Adur Tidal Walls scheme, a number of which are nearing completion.

The Shoreham Adur Tidal Walls scheme is being carried out by Mackley, working as part of Team Van Oord and on behalf of the Environment Agency, Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership, Adur District Council and West Sussex County Council.

Once completed, the project will significantly reduce flood risk to more than 2,300 properties in Shoreham and East Lancing, as well as protecting important local infrastructure such as the road network, railway line and Shoreham Airport.

The scheme is separated into 10 reaches, or lengths of the estuarine bank. The design of the flood defences varies between the reaches as they have different characteristics and are subject to different pressures and potential flood impacts. The defences include steel sheet piling, concrete walls, flood glass and earth embankments.

Mackley Shoreham

At W2, concrete work on the slipway is well advanced, as is work to prepare the riverside surface for installation of the flood defences. The first panes of flood glass have also been installed.

Piling works are well advanced behind houses at the eastern end of Riverside Road, and behind the boatyard (W3). Concrete works behind the Riverside Pub are well underway.

At W4 the majority of the wall is almost complete, while at W5 vegetation clearance work is underway in anticipation of the start of construction in January 2018.

At W6, the flood defence work is almost complete (excluding the area next to the railway bridge which cannot be completed until Network Rail has finished maintenance works to a bridge). However, a handrail needs to be installed before the area can be reopened to the public.  

On the other side of the river, the flood defence between Star Gap and Oyster Quay (E1) is nearly complete, while work at the Bridge Inn and Toll House is expected to start later this year.

At E3, the earthworks are well advanced and the wall is nearly complete. Work on the earthworks along the Downs Link (north of the Amsterdam pub) resumed on 14 August, and is expected to be complete in October.

13 September 2017


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