Mackley carries out emergency works at Lydd Ranges

Team Van Oord has been commissioned by the Environment Agency to carry out emergency works on a section of frontage on the Kent coast – which protects low lying land used by the MoD as a training facility, as well as residential properties.

The Lydd Ranges Emergency Works consist of the placement of approximately 56,000 tons of rock armour with geo-textile, and import of 45,000m3 of shingle

The project also includes the repair works to two existing groynes, as well as the re-charge of the beach with shingle.

Jury’s Gap is located at the western edge of the Denge (Lydd Ranges) frontage in Kent. It consists of a shingle beach which provides protection to an earth embankment secondary defence fronting low lying land used by the MoD as a training facility.

It also contains two groyne bays each of approximately 45m length. This frontage has a history of erosion with longshore drift predominantly moving shingle in an eastward direction.

The emergency works are taking place along a 600m section of the clay embankment known locally as the green wall. These works are to strengthen this embankment following a succession of storm events.

Works are ongoing and consist of the placement of 56,000 tons of three-to-six ton rock armour complete with geotextile to prevent washout. This rock has been brought to site by a combination of lorry and barges directly from the sea.

A pair of wooden groynes with 225mm x 225mm piles have been repaired. The works include the reinstatement of the access track on top of the clay embankment and a shingle recharge to fill the growing bays and feed shingle down drift towards the SAC.

The works are tidal and also require daily coordination with the MoD – who are carrying live firing drills, which restrict access to the easterly end of the site.

During the bird nesting season, the works were temporarily suspended to avoid disturbance to the growing population of Avocets who occupy the lagoons adjacent to the works.

The works are due to be completed by mid-October.

19 August 2020

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