Mackley team returns to site to complete EA project in Kent

Mackley concrete landing

Working on behalf of the Environment Agency, Mackley has recently completed a project to create a new outfall and access track at Graveney Marshes between Whitstable and Faversham in Kent.

Works initially started in July 2015 but had to be abandoned in late 2015 due to adverse weather conditions which prevented access to the site.

By this time the new outfall pipes had been installed and the reinforced concrete inlet and outlet structures had been built. The new outfall was left sealed to prevent water flowing through and the existing outfall pipes were left running.

During winter 2015/16 the access track flooded and in April 2016 the Mackley project team returned to site to pump away the standing water. The site was then left for five weeks to allow the track to dry out.

In early June the team returned to the site to complete the works which included: constructing concrete access steps and platforms at the outfall; installation of a new TTE system access track; fencing and railings; and creating a turning area and ramps using Type 1 stone. The existing outfall pipes were filled with foamed concrete and the new outfall subsequently commissioned.

Mackley Graveney Marshes
Paul Munro, Mackley site agent for the project, said: “The TTE system track provides access for the Environment Agency to maintain the outfall, while also encouraging re-growth of the native vegetation which was removed during installation.

“We were working in a sensitive environment and had to take this into account when planning and delivering the project.

“All of the works were carried out within the South Swale SSSI (site of special scientific interest) and a national cycle route and long distance footpath – the Saxon Shore way – pass through the site.

“The onsite conditions posed more challenges for the team. Adverse weather conditions prevented access to the site on occasions, and the works to the outfall were carried out in a tidal environment.

“Despite these challenges, the project has been successfully delivered and the site has now been demobilised.”

26 September 2016

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