New information system meets EA and Government requirements

Mackley has completed implementation of a new company-wide information and process management system, which meets the requirements of the Environment Agency and other Government departments and public bodies.

Mackley opted for the BC BIM (Building Information Modelling) platform alongside BC Assure quality assurance module, both of which are provided by the specialist document management software developer Group BC.

In mid 2014, Mackley reviewed its information management requirements and identified two development priorities.

First, involvement with key government bodies such as the Environment Agency required Mackley to be capable of collaborating using BIM.

The UK government’s construction strategy was to make BIM mandatory for all centrally procured public sector projects from April 2016, and Mackley was beginning to receive tender documents stipulating the need for BIM.

Second, as the company’s workload and range of projects had grown, Mackley needed to improve its information infrastructure and provide a more consistent platform for information management and workflow support across multiple, often short-lived, project sites.

Selection of a construction industry-specific Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform was identified as the most time- and cost-effective way to deliver these capabilities.

After reviewing various solutions Trevor Mossop, Mackley’s Technical Services Manager, identified the Group BC platform as slick and intuitive to use – important factors in rolling out the technology to construction-focused end-users. The BC Assure quality assurance module was also selected to provide a more consistent and auditable approach to managing common project processes; Mackley needed to be able to evidence compliance with ISO9001, ISO14001 and ISO18001 systems.

Key benefits of the chosen solution

  • Secure access to Mackley project data – authorised staff can review latest information anytime, anywhere and on any device
  • Greater consistency in data capture and process management
  • Auditable compliance with Mackley quality systems and client information requirements, including BIM deliverables
  • Faster, more reliable access to project systems hosted in the cloud
  • Faster, easier cross-project reporting for Mackley management
  • Lower central IT overheads for managing project folders, etc

By September 2016, more than 90 Mackley employees had become BC users, with 80% of these regularly using the system to access the most up-to-date information about projects and project tenders.

Outside of project management, the QR code feature within BC helps provide immediate access from site to the latest, up to date, versions of service and inspection records and plant specifications for lifting equipment and mobile plant.

With a QR code in the cab, or displayed on the plant, site staff can scan the QR code on the mobile device and access lifting charts, user manuals and any other documentation without having to enter any information or search for the paperwork traditionally.

08 March 2017

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