North Portsea Scheme wins Coastal Management Award

This year’s Flood & Coast Conference and Exhibition was not only a joyous event because so many people were all back together in the same room after the Covid restrictions, but there was extra cause for celebration when our North Portsea Island Project won the Coastal Management Award.

The scheme with @Coastal Partners and @Portsmouth City Council is to better protect residents and businesses on North Portsea Island by building improved flood defences along Eastern Road. The fourth phase of this scheme has seen the UK’s first large-scale application of an Ecoformliner for the wall construction which the Environment Agency acknowledged as one of the major reasons for this award. The reusable polyurethan rubber liquid elastomer mould was specifically designed to support and encourage colonisation by marine species and to also increase the resilience of the wall.

The whole team has worked so hard to make this a more sustainable project and this award, presented by Environment Agency Chair, Emma Howard-Boyd, is a fantastic recognition of all the efforts so far. Congratulations to everyone involved, the project is still ongoing, so we’re hoping this won’t be the only shiny plaque that we see!


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