Raising awareness of mental health a priority for Mackley

Mackley is supporting Mental Health Awareness Week 2019, with a host of events set to take place during the week.

Organised by the Mental Health Foundation, the theme for the 2019 week (13-19 May) is ‘body image – how we think and feel about our bodies’.

Body image issues can affect all of us at any age. During the week, the Mental Health Foundation will publish new research considering some of the reasons why our body image can impact the way that we feel, campaigning for change and publishing a suite of practical tools.

In support of the campaign, Mackley has organised a series of lunchtime walks, which take place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

On Thursday, Mackley is hosting a one-hour mental health workshop for employees – while on Friday lunchtime, employees are invited to take part in a picnic.

Later on Friday evening, Mackley is hosting a quiz night to round off the week of activities.

In September 2018, Mackley introduced five mental health first aiders who are available to offer support to colleagues.

The first aiders will be available throughout Mental Health Awareness Week – with Glyn Evans visiting a number of Mackley construction sites.

Since its launch in 2001, Mental Health Awareness Week has helped raise awareness of topics including stress, relationships, loneliness, altruism, sleep, alcohol and friendship.

13 May 2019

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