Work underway to refurbish Yarmouth Pier

Mackley has been commissioned to carry out major refurbishment works on the UK’s longest wooden pier.

Opened in 1876, Yarmouth Pier on the Isle of Wight is an important historic landmark which stretches 186 metres into the Solent.

The project, which has been made possible through Heritage Lottery Funding, will be carried out by Mackley working on behalf of the Yarmouth Harbour Commissioners.

The programme of works involves the installation of 50 piles, a new pierhead structure and the refurbishment of some decking.

The existing pierhead structure will first be dismantled and the existing pierhead support piles extracted. The new pierhead structure, including new pierhead support piles, will then be constructed.

Refurbished timbers will be used from Portsmouth Dockyard Queen Elizabeth Berth.

To enable work to get underway, a number of existing structures have been removed and stored, for reinstatement once the scheme is completed.

Marine biologists from Bournemouth University are also involved in the project as part of a study which is monitoring marine life around Yarmouth Pier.

In what is believed to be the first study of its kind, the university team will analyse the piles which are being removed during the works and collect data regarding marine life activity and feeding habits.

Dr Roger Herbert, principal lecturer in marine and coastal biology at Bournemouth University, said: “We are recording and monitoring fish and other creatures who live beneath the pier and at the mouth of the harbour.

“We want to find out how piers and other structures such as sea walls, breakwaters and offshore wind turbines affect marine life.”

The pier restoration works are set for completion by early summer and progress of ‘The Pier’s Tale’ – which celebrates the pier’s history and its restoration for future generations – can be followed @yarmouthpier

This is the latest in a series of projects carried out by Mackley on the Isle of Wight in the past 12 months.

In March 2017, Mackley completed a £450,000 project to construct a new electricity substation at Cowes on behalf of Omexom UK.

Two months later, working on behalf of the Isle of Wight Council, Mackley completed an eight-week project to create new moorings on the River Medina.

Then in August, working on behalf of CMDP JV for Southern Water, Mackley began a series of works to enhance the Knighton Water Treatment Works.

12 March 2018

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