Grade II
Recycle & Reuse
UK’s largest

Opened in 1876, Yarmouth Pier stretches 186m into the Solent and is an important historic landmark on the Isle of Wight.
Mackley was commissioned to carry out major refurbishment works to the pier, after it was attacked by Gribble Worm which feed on submerged wood of docks and wharves.

Before any work could start, we needed to remove marine furniture and a number of structures on the pier itself including the Roundhouse, lamp posts, flag poles, benches, navigation lights, weather station and mooring bollards. These were safely stored and refurbished for later reinstatement.
We could then get on with the main refurbishment works. First we dismantled the existing pierhead structure and extracted the existing pierhead support piles to make way for 50 new piles and structure. The timber piles were fitted into steel boxes to reduce gribble attack and to make it easier to replace in the future. We also installed new low level wailings and cross bracing and restored some of the decking using refurbished timbers from Portsmouth Dockyard Queen Elizabeth Berth.
Contribution to University Research
Marine biologists from Bournemouth University were involved in the project as part of a study to monitor marine life around Yarmouth Pier. The University team analysed the piles which were removed during the works and collected data regarding marine life activity and feeding habits.
Portsmouth University also used some of the timbers that were removed to further their research on gribble worms which digest wood and extract nutrients to survive. We hosted regular visits from both universities to help them with their research.
Opportunity for STEM Activities
The Pier is an important and historic part of the island and several primary schools were doing projects on the pier. We showed year 5 and 6 pupils around the site, supplying them first with mini hardhats and mini hi-vis vests and then gave them a presentation to explain what we were doing and to also show some of the other projects we do. Yarmouth Primary School later returned the favour and put on a show about the the story of the pier. They dressed up as characters from the site (gribble/site manager etc.) and invited the real Site Manager, Steve as a VIP to the assembly where they presented it.
Sustainability – Recycle and Reuse
We reused all the existing deck boards which had the names of the public on who sponsored them. It was therefore imperative that they went back into the same spot as they were before. Then they were re-carved and filled to look like new.
All of the timber removed from the pier, was recycled off site.